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Predicting Severe Convective Storm Claims with Property-Level Precision

ZestyAI’s Z-STORM risk model scores each property for frequency and severity of claims from severe convective storms

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70% of global insured losses are driven by severe convective storms

↳ The Challenge

The traditional risk approaches, such as actuarial and stochastic models, are coming up short in predicting and preventing losses from severe convective storms.

↳ The Solution

Z-STORM predicts and prevents storm claims with high accuracy using the interaction of climatology with property-specific characteristics.

Uncover Storm Risk

Z-STORM Claim Frequency Score

Z-STORM Claim Frequency Score

Driven by exposure to severe convective storm events, accumulated damage, and potential points of failure on the roof, Z-STORM delivers an accurate risk assessment of expected claim frequency for each property.

Z-STORM Claim Severity Score

Z-STORM Claim Severity Score

Z-STORM combines a variety of property attributes, including the 3D surface area of the roof, shape, complexity, and the quality of roofing materials, along with historical losses, to understand just how serious a future claim may be. 

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Driven by AI, Comprehensive Science, and Loss Data

  1. Enhance underwriting
  2. Refine deductible and ACV endorsement strategy
  3. More accurate wind/hail peril rating
  4. Uncover accumulated risk on the books

Z-VIEW™ Application

Zero IT Integration & Easy to Use

Z-VIEW™ Application

Z-VIEW™ is a web-based application that gives users the ability to quickly access Z-FLOOD™ scores and score explanations for any address.

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  • Unprecedented transparency
  • Easy address lookup
  • Top drivers of risk
  • Recent aerial imagery

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