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Predicting Severe Convective Storm Claims with Property-Level Precision

ZestyAI’s Z-STORM risk model scores each property for frequency and severity of claims from severe convective storms

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70% of global insured losses are driven by severe convective storms

↳ The Challenge

The traditional risk approaches, such as actuarial and stochastic models, are coming up short in predicting and preventing losses from severe convective storms.

↳ The Solution

Z-STORM predicts and prevents storm claims with high accuracy using the interaction of climatology with property-specific characteristics.

Uncover Storm Risk

Z-STORM Claim Frequency Score

Z-STORM Claim Frequency Score

Driven by exposure to severe convective storm events, accumulated damage, and potential points of failure on the roof, Z-STORM delivers an accurate risk assessment of expected claim frequency for each property.

Z-STORM Claim Severity Score

Z-STORM Claim Severity Score

Z-STORM combines a variety of property attributes, including the 3D surface area of the roof, shape, complexity, and the quality of roofing materials, along with historical losses, to understand just how serious a future claim may be. 

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Driven by AI, Comprehensive Science, and Loss Data

  1. Enhance underwriting
  2. Refine deductible and ACV endorsement strategy
  3. More accurate wind/hail peril rating
  4. Uncover accumulated risk on the books

Strong Regulatory Momentum

Z-STORM Regulatory Map

Strong Regulatory Momentum

ZestyAI is actively pursuing regulatory approval in states susceptible to severe weather. Our goal is to equip insurance carriers with transparent and compliant solutions for precise property risk assessment and underwriting.

Z-VIEW™ Application

Zero IT Integration & Easy to Use

Z-VIEW™ Application

Z-VIEW™ is a web-based application that gives users the ability to quickly access Z-FLOOD™ scores and score explanations for any address.

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  • Unprecedented transparency
  • Easy address lookup
  • Top drivers of risk
  • Recent aerial imagery

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